var AJAX_LOCATION = ''; //MUST be off in production // var DebugWebForms = false; var ajax_promo_code_flag = 1; var has_coupon = 0; function Debug(message) { if(DebugWebForms) { LimeDbg(message); } } function SetCountryValue(stateLabel,intlState2,mericanState,country,stateOuter,stateOuter2) { el_1 = document.getElementById(stateOuter); el_2 = document.getElementById(stateOuter2); var country_val = document.getElementById(country).selectedIndex; var select_val = document.getElementById(country).options[country_val].text; if ( RegExp("billing", "gi")) == 0 ) { var billShip = 'Billing '; } else { var billShip = 'Shipping '; } if(select_val == "United States") { if (document.getElementById(stateLabel)) { document.getElementById(stateLabel).innerHTML = billShip + 'State:'; } if (document.getElementById(intlState2)) { document.getElementById(intlState2).value = ''; } = "inline"; = "none"; } else { if (document.getElementById(stateLabel)) { document.getElementById(stateLabel).innerHTML = billShip + 'Region:'; } = "inline"; = "none"; } if (document.getElementById(mericanState)) { document.getElementById(mericanState).selectedIndex = 0; } } function SetShippingValue() { if (typeof(c_left) == 'undefined') { c_left = currencySymbol; c_right = ''; } var totalAmountString = document.getElementById('total_amount').innerHTML.replace(/[^0-9\.]/g, ''); var previousShippingStr = document.getElementById('shipping_price').innerHTML.replace(/[^0-9\.]/g, ''); var ship_price = document.getElementById('shipping').options[document.getElementById('shipping').selectedIndex].title; var delta = parseFloat(ship_price) - parseFloat(previousShippingStr); document.getElementById('shipping_price').innerHTML = c_left + ship_price + c_right; var total_amount = parseFloat(totalAmountString) + parseFloat(delta); total_amount = total_amount.toFixed(2); document.getElementById('total_amount').innerHTML = c_left + total_amount + c_right; if(has_coupon == 1) { ll('#promo_validate_message').removeClass('successClass'); ll('#promo_validate_message').addClass('invalidClass'); ll("#promo_validate_message").html('Please re-validate promo code'); ll('#coupon_row').hide(); } } function SetCountryValue2() { } function copyToState2() { var state_value = document.forms['opt_in_form'].fields_state.options[document.forms['opt_in_form'].fields_state.selectedIndex].text; document.forms['opt_in_form'].fields_state2.value = state_value; } function BuildQueryString(arrayParm) { var url = ''; for (var prop in arrayParm) { if (arrayParm.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { url += '&' + prop + '=' + escape(arrayParm[prop]); } } return url; } function GetAllTranslations() { var qs; if (typeof(limelight_messages) != 'undefined') { qs = BuildQueryString(limelight_messages); } else { qs = ''; } return qs; } function GetTranslation(id,defaultText) { var ret = ''; if (typeof(limelight_messages) != 'undefined' && limelight_messages.hasOwnProperty(id)) { ret = limelight_messages[id]; } else { ret = defaultText; } return ret; } function isValidEmail(str) { var at="@"; var dot="."; var lat=str.indexOf(at); var lldot = str.lastIndexOf(dot); var lstr=str.length; var ldot=str.indexOf(dot); var valid = true; if (str.indexOf(at)==-1) { valid = false; } if (str.indexOf(at)==-1 || str.indexOf(at)==0 || str.indexOf(at)==(lstr-1) || str.indexOf(at)==(lstr-3)) { valid = false; } if (lldot==lstr-1 || lldot==lstr-2 || (lldot==ldot && lldot < lat)) { valid = false; } if (str.indexOf(dot)==-1 || str.indexOf(dot)==0 || str.indexOf(dot)==(lstr-1)) { valid = false; } if (str.indexOf(at,(lat+1))!=-1) { valid = false; } if (str.substring(lat-1,lat)==dot || str.substring(lat+1,lat+2)==dot) { valid = false; } if (str.indexOf(dot,(lat+2))==-1) { valid = false; } if (str.indexOf(" ")!=-1) { valid = false; } var isDoubleByte = false; for(var i=0; i 127) { isDoubleByte = true; break; } } var reg = /^([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\@([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\.([A-Za-z]{2,4})$/; if(!isDoubleByte && reg.test(str) == false) { valid = false; } if (!valid) { alert(GetTranslation('invalid_email','Invalid Email Address')); } return valid; } function allValidChars(email) { var parsed = true; var validchars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789@.-_"; for (var i=0; i < email.length; i++) { var letter = email.charAt(i).toLowerCase(); if (validchars.indexOf(letter) != -1) continue; parsed = false; break; } return parsed; } function update_phone_field(field_name) { phone1 = document.getElementById(field_name + "_phone1").value; phone2 = document.getElementById(field_name + "_phone2").value; phone3 = document.getElementById(field_name + "_phone3").value; document.getElementById(field_name).value = phone1 + phone2 + phone3; } function update_expire() { var month = document.getElementById("fields_expmonth"); var month_value = month.options[month.selectedIndex].value; var year = document.getElementById("fields_expyear"); var year_value = year.options[year.selectedIndex].value; if ((month_value != '' ) && (year_value != '')) { document.getElementById("cc_expires").value = month_value + year_value; } else { document.getElementById("cc_expires").value = ''; } } function Key13handler(keyCode, sender) { } function onPhoneKeyUp(keyCode, sender) { } function validateMilitary(pointerState,pointerCity) { if(document.getElementById(pointerState) && document.getElementById(pointerState).value != '') { var val = document.getElementById(pointerState).value; var militaryState = ( val.indexOf('Armed Forces') !== -1 || val == 'AA' || val == 'AP' || val == 'AE' || val == 'AE-A' || val == 'AE-E' || val == 'AE-M' || val == 'AE-C' ); var militaryCity = ( document.getElementById(pointerCity).value == 'APO' || document.getElementById(pointerCity).value == 'FPO' || document.getElementById(pointerCity).value == 'DPO' ); if (militaryState == true && militaryCity == false) { return false; } return true; } return true; } function payment_change(obj) { ll('#total_installments_tr').hide(); ll('#giro_display').hide(); ll('#secret_ssn_tr').hide(); switch (obj.value) { case '' : break; case 'sepa': ll('#routing_number_tr').show(); ll('#account_number_tr').show(); ll('#routing_number').attr('maxLength', 11).val('') .removeAttr('onkeydown'); ll('#account_number').attr('maxLength', 34).val('') .removeAttr('onkeydown'); ll('label[for="routing_number"]').text('Bank Identifier Code'); ll('label[for="account_number"]').text('Intl Bank Account Number'); ll('#cc_expires_tr').hide().val(''); ll('#cc_cvv_tr').hide().val(''); ll('#cc_number_tr').hide().val(''); ll('#fields_expmonth').val(''); ll('#fields_expyear').val(''); ll('#cc_number').val(''); ll('#cc_cvv').val(''); break; case 'checking' : case 'eft_germany' : var routing_no_key = 'txt_routing_no', routing_no_dflt = 'Routing Number:', routing_no_len = '9', account_no_key = 'txt_account_no', account_no_dflt = 'Account Number:', account_no_len = '17'; if (obj.value == 'eft_germany') { // Repurpose the fields for EFT var routing_no_key = 'txt_eft_bank_no', routing_no_dflt = 'Bank Number:' routing_no_len = '8', account_no_key = 'txt_eft_act_no', account_no_len = '10'; } ll('#routing_number_tr').show(); ll('#account_number_tr').show(); ll('#routing_number') .attr('maxLength', routing_no_len) .val('') .attr('onkeydown', 'return onlyNumbers(event)'); ll('#account_number') .attr('maxLength', account_no_len) .val('') .attr('onkeydown', 'return onlyNumbers(event)'); ll('label[for="routing_number"]').text(GetTranslation(routing_no_key, routing_no_dflt)); ll('label[for="account_number"]').text(GetTranslation(account_no_key, account_no_dflt)); ll('#secret_ssn_tr').show(); case 'offline' : case 'giro' : case 'paypal' : case 'amazon' : case 'icepay' : case 'gocoin' : case 'bitcoin_pg' : ll('#cc_expires_tr').hide().val(''); ll('#cc_cvv_tr').hide().val(''); ll('#cc_number_tr').hide().val(''); ll('#fields_expmonth').val(''); ll('#fields_expyear').val(''); ll('#cc_number').val(''); ll('#cc_cvv').val(''); if (obj.value == 'giro') { ll('#giro_display').show(); ll('#account_number_tr').hide(); ll('#routing_number_tr').hide(); } break; case 'boleto' : ll('#cc_expires_tr').hide(); ll('#cc_cvv_tr').hide(); ll('label[for="cc_number"]').text(GetTranslation('txt_boleto','CNPJ or CPF ID:')); break; default : ll('#total_installments_tr').show(); ll('#cc_expires_tr').show(); ll('#cc_cvv_tr').show(); ll('#cc_number_tr').show(); ll('#routing_number_tr').hide().val(''); ll('#account_number_tr').hide().val(''); ll('label[for="cc_number"]').text(GetTranslation('txt_credit_card','Credit Card Number:')); switch (obj.value) { case 'solo' : case 'switch' : case 'maestro' : ll('#cc_number').attr('maxLength', '19'); ll('#cc_cvv_tr label[for="cc_cvv"]').text(GetTranslation('txt_issue_id','Issue Id:')); ll('#cc_cvv').attr('maxLength', '2'); ll('#cc_cvv').val(ll('#cc_cvv').val().substr(0,2)); break; case 'aura' : case 'hipercard' : ll('#cc_number').attr('maxLength', '19'); ll('#cc_number').val(ll('#cc_number').val().substr(0,19)); ll('#cc_cvv_tr label[for="cc_cvv"]').text(GetTranslation('txt_cvv','Security Code:')); ll('#cc_cvv').attr('maxLength', '4'); break; default : ll('#cc_number').attr('maxLength', '16'); ll('#cc_number').val(ll('#cc_number').val().substr(0,16)); ll('#cc_cvv_tr label[for="cc_cvv"]').text(GetTranslation('txt_cvv','Security Code:')); ll('#cc_cvv').attr('maxLength', '4'); break; } break; } } String.prototype.ltrim = function() { return this.replace(/^\s+/,""); } // -- dont remove these globals var required_fields=new Array(); var required_fields_label=new Array(); function toggleBillingAddress(radioButtonObj) { var billingDiv = document.getElementById('billingDiv'); if (radioButtonObj.value == "no") { = 'inline'; } else { = 'none'; } } function onlyNumbers(e,type) { var keynum; var keychar; var numcheck; if(window.event) // IE { keynum = e.keyCode; } else if(e.which) // Netscape/Firefox/Opera { keynum = e.which; } keychar = String.fromCharCode(keynum); numcheck = /\d/; switch (keynum) { case 8: //backspace case 9: //tab case 35: //end case 36: //home case 37: //left arrow case 38: //right arrow case 39: //insert case 45: //delete case 46: //0 case 48: //1 case 49: //2 case 50: //3 case 51: //4 case 52: //5 case 54: //6 case 55: //7 case 56: //8 case 57: //9 case 96: //0 case 97: //1 case 98: //2 case 99: //3 case 100: //4 case 101: //5 case 102: //6 case 103: //7 case 104: //8 case 105: //9 result2 = true; break; case 109: // dash - if (type == 'phone') { result2 = true; } else { result2 = false; } break; default: result2 = numcheck.test(keychar); break; } return result2; } function update_phone_field(field_name) { phone1 = document.getElementById(field_name + "_phone1").value; phone2 = document.getElementById(field_name + "_phone2").value; phone3 = document.getElementById(field_name + "_phone3").value; document.getElementById(field_name).value = phone1 + phone2 + phone3; } function update_expire() { var month = document.getElementById("fields_expmonth"); var month_value = month.options[month.selectedIndex].value; var year = document.getElementById("fields_expyear"); var year_value = year.options[year.selectedIndex].value; if ((month_value != '' ) && (year_value != '')) { document.getElementById('cc_expires').value = month_value + year_value; } else { document.getElementById('cc_expires').value = ''; } } /*function GetTaxMessage() { ll.ajax({ dataType: 'jsonp', jsonp: 'webFormAjax', url: AJAX_LOCATION + '?m=1&' + ll('#opt_in_form').serialize(), success: function (response) { if(response['status'] > 0) { ll('#cc_number').before(response['content']); } } }); }*/ if (typeof(ll) != 'undefined') { // -- here we have the body loaded on all traffic on all new web forms. Add everything you need here. ll(document).ready(function() { if (document.getElementById('isWebForm')) { // -- all web form body onloads come through here now if (ll('#product_variants_0').length) { FetchVariants(); } if (document.getElementById('cc_type') && document.getElementById('cc_type_tr')) { document.getElementById('cc_type').onchange(); } if (document.getElementById('routing_number_tr')) { ll('#routing_number_tr').hide(); } if (document.getElementById('account_number_tr')) { ll('#account_number_tr').hide(); } if (ll('#opt_in_form').length > 0) { document.getElementById('opt_in_form').acceptCharset = 'ISO-8859-1'; if (ll('#limelight_charset').length == 0) { ll('#opt_in_form').append(""); } } else if (ll('form[name="opt_in_form"]').length > 0) { ll('form[name="opt_in_form"]').attr('accept-charset','ISO-8859-1'); if (ll('#limelight_charset').length == 0) { ll('form[name="opt_in_form"]').append(""); } } else if (ll('#opt_in_form2').length > 0) { ll('#opt_in_form2').attr('accept-charset','ISO-8859-1'); if (ll('#limelight_charset').length == 0) { ll('#opt_in_form2').append(""); } } else if (ll('form').length > 0) { ll('form').attr('accept-charset','ISO-8859-1'); if (ll('#limelight_charset').length == 0) { ll('form').append(""); } } } }); } function CheckProductCode(baseProductId, codeMap) { var promotxt = ll("#product_promo"), foundCodeMatch = false; ll.each(codeMap, function(code, promoProductId) { if (promotxt.val().toUpperCase() == code.toUpperCase()) { var allProducts = ll('input[name="extra"]'); foundCodeMatch = true; ll('#div_product_' + baseProductId).hide(); ll('#div_product_' + promoProductId).show(); ll('#product_' + promoProductId).click(); ll("#div_product_promo").hide(); return false; } }); if (! foundCodeMatch) { alert(GetTranslation('invalid_promo','Please enter a valid promo code.'));; window.setTimeout(function(){promotxt.focus()},20); } } /** * GetProductQuantity() * * Obtains a specific products quantity and max as well as validates them */ function GetProductQuantity(productId) { var quantity = 1; var maxQty = 1; if(typeof(productId) != 'undefined' && productId != '') { var element = 'productQty['+productId+']'; if(document.getElementById(element)) { quantity = parseInt(document.getElementById(element).value); //Obtain the max // maxQtyTmp = parseInt(document.getElementById(element).className); if(typeof(maxQtyTmp) != 'undefined' && maxQtyTmp > 0) { maxQty = maxQtyTmp; } //Ensure that the entered quantity doesnt exceed the max // if(quantity > maxQty) { quantity = maxQty; document.getElementById(element).value = quantity; } } } if(! quantity || typeof(quantity) == 'undefined' || ! (quantity > 0)) { quantity = 1; } return quantity; } function UpdateProductQuantity(product_id, select_product) { if (select_product == true) { if (ll('#product_' + product_id).length) { ll('#product_' + product_id).click(); } } UpdateDisplayTotal(); } /** * UpdateDisplayTotal() * * Updates interface totals only. Nothing of value is actually posted and used. * * @return void */ function UpdateDisplayTotal() { if (document.getElementById('p_price')) { var mainProductTotal = GetMainProductTotal(); //Current main product total var upsellTotal = GetUpsellProductTotal(); //Total of selected upsells var shippingPrice = GetShippingTotal() //Shipping price selected if (typeof(c_left) == 'undefined') { c_left = currencySymbol; c_right = ''; } document.getElementById('p_price').innerHTML = '' + c_left + mainProductTotal.toFixed(2) + c_right + '' var total_amount = (shippingPrice + mainProductTotal + upsellTotal); Debug('total_amount = shippingPrice: ' + shippingPrice + ' + mainProductTotal: ' + mainProductTotal + ' + upsellTotal: ' + upsellTotal); total_amount = c_left + total_amount.toFixed(2) + c_right; if(has_coupon == 1) { ll('#promo_validate_message').removeClass('successClass'); ll('#promo_validate_message').addClass('invalidClass'); ll("#promo_validate_message").html('Please re-validate promo code'); ll('#coupon_row').hide(); } document.getElementById('total_amount').innerHTML = total_amount; } } /** * GetUpsellProductTotal() * * Replaces legacy 10k loop. Totals all currently selected upsells with quantities included * * @replaces GetUpsellProductTotalLegacy() * @return float */ function GetUpsellProductTotal() { upsellTotal = 0.00; if(typeof(ll) != 'undefined' && ll('.upsell_price_x').length) { ll('.upsell_price_x').each(function(i) { var upsellIdTmp = ll(this).attr('id'); var upsellId = upsellIdTmp.split('_'); upsellId = upsellId[2]; if(ll('#upsell_' + upsellId).attr('checked')) { var upsellPrice = parseFloat(ll(this).attr('value')); upsellQty = GetProductQuantity(upsellId); upsellTotal += (upsellPrice * upsellQty); } }); } else { GetUpsellProductTotalLegacy(); } Debug('upsellTotal new ' + upsellTotal); return parseFloat(upsellTotal); } /** * GetUpsellProductTotalLegacy() * * Do not call this function directly, instead, call GetUpsellProductTotal() * * Legacy 10k loop. Totals all currently selected upsells with quantities included. * * @return float */ function GetUpsellProductTotalLegacy() { upsellTotal = 0.00; for (i = 0; i <10000; i++) { var elementName = "upsell_price_"+i; if (document.getElementById(elementName)) { var checkboxName = 'upsell_'+i; var priceObj = document.getElementById(elementName); var checkboxObject = document.getElementById(checkboxName); if (checkboxObject.checked) { upsellQty = GetProductQuantity(i); upsellTmp = parseFloat(priceObj.value); upsellTotal += (upsellTmp * upsellQty); } } } Debug('upsellTotal legacy ' + upsellTotal); return parseFloat(upsellTotal); } /** * GetMainProductTotal() * * Gets current main product and applies quantities * custom_product exists for all campaign types post quantities. If it doesnt exist then neither does quantities * * @return float */ function GetMainProductTotal() { //Check for a main product id first // if(document.getElementById('custom_product')) { var mainProductId = document.getElementById('custom_product').value; //Current main product id var mainProductPrice = document.getElementById('custom_product_price').value //Current main product price var mainProductQty = GetProductQuantity(mainProductId); //Current main product quantity } else { var mainProductPrice = GetMainProductTotalLegacy(); var mainProductQty = GetProductQuantity(); } Debug('mainProductId ' + mainProductId); Debug('mainProductPrice ' + mainProductPrice); Debug('mainProductQty ' + mainProductQty); //Apply quantities to main product // mainProductPrice = (mainProductPrice * mainProductQty); Debug(mainProductPrice +' * '+mainProductQty); Debug('mainProductPrice ' + mainProductPrice); return parseFloat(mainProductPrice); } /** * GetMainProductTotalLegacy() * * Gets current main product via legacy parsing methods * * @return float */ function GetMainProductTotalLegacy() { if(document.getElementById('custom_product_price')) { var mainProductPrice = document.getElementById('custom_product_price').value; } else if(document.getElementById('p_price')) { var mainProductPrice = ParseMainProductTotal() } Debug('GetMainProductTotalLegacy() mainProductPrice ' + mainProductPrice); return parseFloat(mainProductPrice); } /** * ParseMainProductTotal() * * Fail-safe/Legacy method for retrieving the main product amount * * @return float */ function ParseMainProductTotal() { //Main element like:
// var mainPricetmp = document.getElementById('p_price').innerHTML; mainPricetmp = mainPricetmp.replace(/<\/?[^>]+(>|$)/g, ""); mainPricetmp = mainPricetmp.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,""); //Remove the currency sign // var mainProductPrice = parseFloat(mainPricetmp.substr(1)); Debug('ParseMainProductTotal() mainProductPrice ' + mainProductPrice); return mainProductPrice; } /** * GetShippingTotal() * * Gets current shipping price * * @return float */ function GetShippingTotal() { if(document.getElementById('shipping')) { var shippingPrice = document.getElementById('shipping').options[document.getElementById('shipping').selectedIndex].title; } else if(document.getElementById('shipping_price')) { var shippingPrice = ParseShippingTotal(); } Debug('GetShippingTotal() shippingPrice ' + shippingPrice); return parseFloat(shippingPrice); } /** * ParseShippingTotal() * * Fail-safe/Legacy method for retrieving the shipping amount * * @return float */ function ParseShippingTotal() { //Main element like:
// var shippingPriceTmp = document.getElementById('shipping_price').innerHTML; shippingPriceTmp = shippingPriceTmp.replace(/<\/?[^>]+(>|$)/g, ""); shippingPriceTmp = shippingPriceTmp.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,""); //Remove the currency sign // var shippingPrice = parseFloat(shippingPriceTmp.substr(1)); Debug('ParseShippingTotal() shippingPrice ' + shippingPrice); return shippingPrice; } /** * clickCheckbox() * * Upsell Toggle - legacy support * User selected or deselected an upsell. Just updates the displayed order total * */ function clickCheckbox(checkboxObj,amountToUse,c_left, c_right) { Debug('clickCheckbox'); UpdateDisplayTotal(); AttributeToggleUpsell(); } /** * ProductShippingToggle() * * Product / Shipping method toggle * If a mapping function exists, use the results to toggle shipping methods based on the selected product * * Map format is * map = { * product_id_x : [shipping_id_a,shipping_id_b], * product_id_y : [shipping_id_c] * } * */ function ProductShippingToggle(productId) { if (typeof ProductShippingMap == 'function') { if (! productId) { productId = ll('#custom_product').val(); } map = ProductShippingMap(); if (map[productId]) { var shippingIds = map[productId], selected = false; if (! ll.isArray(shippingIds)) { shippingIds = [shippingIds]; } ll.each(ll('option', ll('#shipping')), function() { var shippingId = parseInt(ll(this).val()); if (ll.inArray(shippingId, shippingIds) == -1) { ll(this).hide(); } else { ll(this).show(); if (! selected) { selected = true; ll(this).attr('selected','selected'); SetShippingValue(); } } }); } } } /** * change_products() * * Main Product toggle - legacy support * Updates form elements to the currently selected main product * */ function change_products(price,id) { Debug('price ' + price); Debug('id ' + id); if(document.getElementById('custom_product')) { document.getElementById('custom_product').value = id; } else { if(document.getElementById('custom_product_price')) { var inputProductElement = document.getElementById('custom_product_price'); } else if(document.getElementById('p_price')) { var inputProductElement = document.getElementById('p_price'); } else { var inputProductElement = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; } var inputProductId = document.createElement('input'); inputProductId.setAttribute('type', 'hidden'); inputProductId.setAttribute('id', 'custom_product'); inputProductElement.appendChild(inputProductId); document.getElementById('custom_product').value = id; Debug('document.getElementById(custom_product) ' + document.getElementById('custom_product')); Debug(id); } if(document.getElementById('custom_product_price')) { document.getElementById('custom_product_price').value = price.toFixed(2); } //Check the radio buttong if it exists // var mainProductRadioButton = 'product_' + id; if(document.getElementById(mainProductRadioButton)) { document.getElementById(mainProductRadioButton).checked = true; } AttributeToggle(id); Debug('change_products: price: ' + price + ' id: ' + id); UpdateDisplayTotal(); ProductShippingToggle(id); } /** * AJAX request to dynamically change state choices based on country * * @param obj country object * @param targetObj state object * @param sel selected state value * @param id state object id * @param spinner bool show spinner */ function ChangeCountry(list, callback) { var obj = ll(list.obj), targetObj = ll(list.targetObj), sel = ((typeof list.sel != 'undefined') ? list.sel : ''), id = ((typeof != 'undefined') ? : ''), spinner = ((typeof list.spinner != 'undefined') ? list.spinner : false), focus = ((typeof list.focus != 'undefined') ? list.focus : true), url = AJAX_LOCATION + '?m=2&country=' + obj.val() + '&sel=' + sel; if (id) { url += '&id=' + id; } ll('#fields_state', targetObj).val('').change(); if (spinner) { targetObj.html('Loading') } ll.ajax({ dataType: 'jsonp', jsonp: 'webFormAjax', url: url + GetAllTranslations(), success: function (response) { if(response['status'] > 0) { targetObj.html(response['content']); if (focus) { if (ll('#' + id)) { ll('#' + id).focus(); } } if (typeof(callback) == 'function' || ll.isFunction(callback)) { (callback)(); } } } }); } jQuery.extend({ get_url_vars: function(){ var vars = [], hash; var hashes = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&'); for(var i = 0; i < hashes.length; i++) { hash = hashes[i].split('='); vars.push(hash[0]); vars[hash[0]] = hash[1]; } return vars; }, get_url_var: function(name){ return jQuery.get_url_vars()[name]; } }); function promo_code_validator(promoCode, campaignId, getVar, val) { var product_info = {}; var shippingTotal = GetShippingTotal(); var total_amount = 0; total_amount += shippingTotal; //Check for a main product id first // if(document.getElementById('custom_product')) { var mainProductId = document.getElementById('custom_product').value; //Current main product id var mainProductPrice = document.getElementById('custom_product_price').value //Current main product price var mainProductQty = GetProductQuantity(mainProductId); //Current main product quantity } else { var mainProductPrice = GetMainProductTotalLegacy(); var mainProductQty = GetProductQuantity(); } total_amount += parseFloat(mainProductPrice * mainProductQty); product_info[mainProductId] = {'price' : mainProductPrice, 'qty' : mainProductQty, 'type' : 'main' }; if(typeof(ll) != 'undefined' && ll('.upsell_price_x').length) { ll('.upsell_price_x').each(function(i) { var upsellIdTmp = ll(this).attr('id'); var upsellId = upsellIdTmp.split('_'); upsellId = upsellId[2]; if(ll('#upsell_' + upsellId).attr('checked')) { var upsellPrice = parseFloat(ll(this).attr('value')); var upsellQty = GetProductQuantity(upsellId); total_amount += parseFloat(upsellPrice * upsellQty); product_info[upsellId] = {'price' : upsellPrice, 'qty' : upsellQty, 'type' : 'upsell' }; } }); } if (ajax_promo_code_flag == 1) { ajax_promo_code_flag = 0; has_coupon = 0; url = AJAX_LOCATION + '?m=4&promo_code='+promoCode+'&campaign_id='+campaignId+'&shipping_total='+shippingTotal+ '&'+getVar+'='+val ll.ajax({ data: {'product_info' : product_info}, dataType: 'jsonp', jsonp: 'webFormAjax', url: url, success: function (response) { ll('#promo_validate_message').removeClass('successClass'); ll('#promo_validate_message').removeClass('invalidClass'); if(response['status'] > 0) { has_coupon = 1; statusClass = "successClass"; coupon_amount = parseFloat(response['couponAmount']); coupon_amount_display = '-'+c_left + coupon_amount.toFixed(2) + c_right; total_amount -= coupon_amount; total_amount = c_left + total_amount.toFixed(2) + c_right; ll('#coupon_row').show(); ll('#coupon_amount').html(coupon_amount_display); ll('#total_amount').html(total_amount); } else { statusClass = "invalidClass"; ll('#coupon_row').hide(); } ll('#promo_validate_message').addClass(statusClass); ll('#promo_validate_message').html(response['content']); ajax_promo_code_flag = 1; } }); } } function ValidatePromoCode() { campaignId = ll('#campaign_id').val(); promoCode = ll('#promo_code').val(); email = ll('#fields_email').val(); if (!email) { if(ll.get_url_vars()['tempOrderId']) { promo_code_validator(promoCode, campaignId, 'temp_order_id', ll.get_url_vars()['tempOrderId']); } else { ll('#promo_validate_message').removeClass('successClass'); ll('#promo_validate_message').addClass('invalidClass'); ll('#promo_validate_message').html('Please Enter an email'); } } else { promo_code_validator(promoCode, campaignId, 'email', email); } } function data_validation_provider(data_verification_provider_id) { var current_value = ''; var previous_value = ll("input[name='data_provider_previous_values']").val(); ll('input[name="billingSameAsShipping"]:checked').addClass('dp-validate'); ll('.dp-validate').each(function() { current_value = current_value.concat(ll(this).val() + ' '); }); var valid = (data_verification_provider_id == 0 || current_value == previous_value); if (data_verification_provider_id > 0 && current_value != previous_value) { url = AJAX_LOCATION + '?'+ ll('.dp-validate').serialize(); ll.ajax({ async : false, dataType : 'jsonp', jsonp : 'webFormAjax', url : url, data : { 'm' : 6, 'campaign_id' : campaignId, 'data_verification_provider_id' : data_verification_provider_id }, success: function (response) { ll('input[name="data_provider_error_level"]').val(response['error_level']); if(response['status'] == 0) { AlertHandler(response['statusMessage']); } else { valid = true; } } }); } ll("input[name='data_provider_previous_values']").val(current_value); return valid; } /** * AJAX request to dynamically change the state label based on country * * @param obj country object * @param targetObj state label object * @param template label template */ function ChangeStateLabel(list) { var obj = ll(list.obj), targetObj = ll(list.targetObj), template = list.template; ll.ajax({ dataType: 'jsonp', jsonp: 'webFormAjax', url: AJAX_LOCATION + '?m=3&country=' + obj.val() + '&template=' + template + GetAllTranslations(), success: function (response) { if(response['status'] > 0) { targetObj.html(response['content']); } } }); } /** * Two in one * * @param obj country object * @param stateObj state object * @param sel selected state value * @param id generated state id * @param labelObj state label object * @param template state label template */ function ChangeCountryAndStateLabel(countryList, stateList, callback) { ChangeCountry(countryList, callback); ChangeStateLabel(stateList); } /** * Set a hidden element for regenerating AJAX after using browser back button * * @param el state element */ function SetStateHid(el) { ll('#' + ll(el).attr('id') + '_hid').val(ll(el).val()); } if (typeof(array_key_exists) == 'undefined') { function array_key_exists(needle, haystack) { found = false; ll.each(haystack, function(key, value) { if ((' ' + needle) === (' ' + key)) { found = true; return; } }); return found; } } if (typeof(inArray) == 'undefined') { function inArray(needle, haystack) { max = (typeof(haystack) == 'object' ? Object.keys(haystack).length : haystack.length); for (i = 0; i < max; i++) { if ((' ' + needle) === (' ' + haystack[i])) { return true } } return false; } } /** * Product variants */ // Possible attribute combinations var attr_map = {}; // Variant product overrides var variant_map = {}; // Products with variants (required) var prod_var_required = {}; // Widgets var variant_widgets = {}; function FetchVariants() { var campaign_id = ll('#campaign_id').val(); url = AJAX_LOCATION + '?m=5' ll.ajax({ dataType: 'jsonp', jsonp: 'webFormAjax', url: url, data: { 'campaign_id' : campaign_id }, success: function (response) { if (response.maps) { attr_map = response.maps.attr_map; variant_map = response.maps.var_map; prod_var_required = response.maps.prod_map; variant_widgets = response.maps.widgets; } if (response.products) { ll.each(response.products, function(key, value) { if (ll('#div_product_variant_placeholder_' + key).length) { ll('#div_product_variant_placeholder_' + key) .after(value) .remove(); } }); if (! ll('#product_variants_0').length) { ll('.upsell_price_x:first').after('
'); } FillAttributeWidgets(); } } }); } /** * AddCustomPrice * * Set the custom price based on the variant * * @param product_id * @param price */ function AddCustomPrice(product_id, price) { if (ll('#upsell_price_' + product_id).length) { ll('#upsell_price_' + product_id).val(price); ll('#upsell_price_display_' + product_id).html(price); } else { ll('#product_' + product_id) .removeAttr('onclick') .click(function() { change_products(price, product_id); }); ll('#custom_product_price').val(price); } UpdateDisplayTotal(); } function InitWebformAttributes() { AttributeToggleUpsell(); ll('input[name="extra"]:checked').click(); } if (typeof(AttributeToggle) == 'undefined') { /** * This function may be overridden if desired. * The purpose is to hide/show product attributes as the relevant products are selected. */ function AttributeToggle(selected_product_id) { if (ll('.product-variants').length) { // Target all main product options ll('input[name="extra"]').each(function() { prod_id = ll(this).attr('id').replace(/[^0-9]/g, ''); // Hide attributes if they exist if (ll('#product_variants_0_' + prod_id).length) { ll('#product_variants_0_' + prod_id) .find('.attribute-container') .hide() .find('.variant-attribute') .attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } }); // If the selected product has attributes, show them if (ll('#product_variants_0_' + selected_product_id).length) { ll('#product_variants_0_' + selected_product_id) .find('.attribute-container') .show() .find('.variant-attribute') .first() .removeAttr('disabled') .change(); } } } } if (typeof(AttributeToggleUpsell) == 'undefined') { /** * This function may be overridden if desired. * The purpose is to hide/show product attributes as the relevant upsell products are selected. */ function AttributeToggleUpsell() { if (ll('.product-variants').length) { // Target all upsell product options ll('.upsell_price_x').each(function() { prod_id = ll(this).attr('id').replace(/[^0-9]/g, ''); var_key = '#product_variants_0_' + prod_id; // Hide attributes if they exist if (ll(var_key).length) { if (ll('#upsell_' + prod_id).length) { // If the selected product has attributes, show them if (ll(var_key).length) { // If the upsell product is not selected, hide if (ll('#upsell_' + prod_id).is(':checked')) { ll(var_key) .find('.attribute-container') .show() .find('.variant-attribute') .first() .removeAttr('disabled') .change(); } else { ll(var_key) .find('.attribute-container') .hide() .find('.variant-attribute') .attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } } } } }); } } }